The Silence of the Wind


The Silence of the Wind tells the story of a man trying to face the death of his sister, but he can not because he has to continue working with the illegal business of bringing undocumented people from the Dominican Republic to Puerto Rico.
Who are they? Where and how do they live? Do they have family? How is their daily life? Do they receive love? How are their emotions? How do they feel about life? How do they feel about death? It is what interests me most about people who are behind certain social problems of the contemporary world we live in, trying to get closer to the universe of each of them without judging and asking questions, questioning things, seeking to a better understanding of the world to be able to change it. In the Silence of the Wind I approach the main theme of loss and death in a man and from the particular I go to the general, exposing like sub-theme the immigration between the islands of the Caribbean, subject that continues happening in all the planet, and that in this area has decades with not very happy endings.

Fiche technique

Titre : El Silencio del viento
Réalisation & Scénario : Alvaro Aponte Centeno
Coproduction : Quenepa Producciones (Porto Rico) / Balsié Guanabana Macuto (Rep. Dominicaine) / Doha Film Institute (Qatar)
Partners: Ibermedia / CCPR (Porto Rico) / CNC – Institut Français / Doha Film Institute
Production : 2017
Durée film : 90′
Format de tournage : HD
Format final : DCP


Compétition Mar del Plata 2017 – Best Actress Award
Compétition La Havane 2017
Compétition Toulouse Cinelatino 2018 – Mention spéciale Grand Prix coup de coeur – Rail d’Oc Prix spécial 15 ans
Reflets du cinéma ibérique et latino de Villeurbanne 2018

